Constitution 1. Name The organisation shall be known as Snettisham Village Events Committee. Objectives The group shall exist to provide events for the community to promote com- munity spirit and unity. The group shall be non-profit making with any profits being ploughed back into future events or donated to local services. Powers In furtherance of the above objectives the group shall have the powers: To provide services/events and publicise its activities. To raise funds and invite contributions. To utilize voluntary workers. To hire services/equipment relative to its objectives. Membership Membership of the group shall be open to anyone living or working in the village that is interested in helping the group achieve its aims and is willing to abide by the rules of the group. Every member shall have one vote at General Meetings. The membership of any member may be terminated for good reason by the committee. Management Committee The group shall be administered by a Management Committee consisting of Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and not less than 6 or more than 12 other committee members elected at the Annual General Meeting. Other interested parties may attend and participate in meetings but will not have a vote. The Management Committee shall meet at least 3 times a year. Any member of the group may be co-opted onto the Management Committee to fill vacanvy. The quorum for Management Committee meetings shall be 6. Voting at Management Committee meetings shall be by a show of hands. If there is a tied vote, then the Chairperson shall have a second vote. Duties of the Officers The duties of the Chairperson shall be: To preside at meetings of the Committee and the organisation. As required by the Committee, to act as the principal spokesperson on public occasions or when representations are being made on behalf on the organisation. The duties of the Secretary shall be: To prepare in consultation with the Chairperson, the agenda for the meetings of the Committee. To take and keep the minutes of all meetings. To collect and disseminate information on all matters affecting the organisation. The duties of the Treasurer shall be: To supervise the financial affairs of the organisation. To ensure that proper accounts are kept with regards to all monies received by and paid out by the organisation. Finance Any monies obtained by the group shall be used only for the group. Any bank accounts opened for the group shall be in the name of the group. Any cheques/cash withdrawals issued shall be signed off by the Treasurer and or one other nominated official. Annual General Meeting The group shall hold an AGM in the month of February. All members shall be given at least 14 days notice of the AGM and shall be entitled to attend and vote. The business of the AGM shall include: Receiving a report from the Chairperson on the group’s activities over the year. Receiving a report from the Treasurer on the finances of the group. Electing a new Management Committee. Considering any other matters as may be detailed on the agenda. The quorum for the AGM and any General Meeting shall be 12. Dissolution The group may be wound up at any time if agreed by all voting members of the …..group. In the event of winding up any assets remaining, after any debts have …..been paid, shall be given to another group with like objectives. Adoption of the Constitution This constitution was adopted by SNETTISHAM VILLAGE EVENTS COMMITTEE On 26th February 2020 Signed on behalf of the Committee by the Chairperson
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